Selasa, 26 Februari 2013

Analysis of Factors Affecting Indonesian Economic Growth and Capital Market (2007 - 2012)

I.                Theoretical Review
In this ‘Analysis of Factors Affecting Indonesian Economic Growth and Indonesian Capital Market for 2007 – 2013’, there are several terms that should be deemed crucial for us and require us to have the same understanding in order to go deeper into each comprehension and practical analysis (next sub titles). Every each definition and theories brought several factors and variables that are obviously reffering to the factors we should count on as the topic of this short paper.
A.           Economic Growth and Economic Development
Economic growth is an occurance when in certain period of time/year, national income (National Products/GDP/GNP) changes or increases, without concerning the population growth and so on. Meanwhile, economic development is an economic growth that may cause changes, especially in decreasing population growth and structural-economic improvement, to form national income with distribution of employment (S. Kuznets, HB. Chenery).
The two definitionis led us into a discussion: “Which kind of improvement we want from the society?” Of course, rational answer will choose the economic development because the economic development doesn’t only consider the increasing amount of national income, but also considering other factors that affect the normality of national income such as, income dispersion, employment, and population growth. Such a thought may ease us to practically think about the effectiveness and efficiency of any kind of national income report, whether it is developing a nation or not (will be explained in next sub titles).
B.           Three Approaches of Measuring National Income
From the basic learning of macroeconomics, in order to ease us measuring the factors and considering things happened in Indonesia around 2007 – 2012, we might agree altogether the three approaches to measure national income. Like it is stated above, the methods/approaches are really useful in order to both calculate and qualify the factors indicating the economic growth (development).
·                Production Approach: considers the whole nation’s total production values.
·                Income Approach: emphasize about the factors of endowment’s incomes. Wages represent the income of employees, rent represents the income of the natural resources’ owner, interest reffers to the income of financial capital owners, and profit represents the income of the business owners. The four dimensions are briefly explaining the flow of income nationally.
·                Spending Approach: considers the whole economic actors’ spending as income because all of spendings will go to them again as consumptions. Consumptions here represents the consumers’ spending, while investments represent the firm’s spending. Of course, our note should be emphasized on the nett export where our national income is deducted by the imports we are conducted to the foreign countries.

C.           Capital Market and Financial Economics
A stock represents a share of ownership in a corporation. Thus, the owner of the stocks are the owner proportionally to the company and also having a right for the company’s profit. With the volatility of the bargain of capital market’s stock prices, it is important for companies in decision making. A higher price for a firm’s share reffers that the company may issue larger funds for the company’s operations. In finance, capital market is critically important, since it is one of the most favorite financial markets in every part of the world, especially in Indonesia whose domestic investors are continuously growing day by day. In capital market, we shouldn’t forget too that this is one of the intermediarries that is indirectly flowing funds to firms / businesses / individuals. Terms like primary-secondary market, dividends and capital gain as the income of operationg in having account in capital market, time horizon behaviors of investing in the capital market, liquidity, brokers’ companies, and the relation to banks (investment bank) are direct and indirect correlation to the capital market. BI rate and money supply also support the movement of the capital market. One more important insight is the general functions of capital market to be:
·                Capital provider for firms
·                Facilitator of income distribution and production capacity
·                Inventors of job vacancies
·                National economic development indicator

II.                Analysis of Indonesian Economic Growth

There is one question for our discussion: “does the two representative growth of GDP really show the economic growth?” In theoretical review, we just discussed that the type of economic growth that a country rationally should achieve is the economic development. De we have the economic development by seeing those statistical improvement? Roughly saying: Yes. With average of only 1.49% of population growth (from 2000) and more than 6% of GDP growth per year from 2007, we can say roughly that the improvement really represents economic development since the GDP is increasing GDP increases as the denominator for GDP per person is decreasing.
However, we can still claim that Indonesia is still struggling after the 1998 crisis for the Gini ratio for income dispersion. The condition was led by the high competition environment built by the end of reformation era. Stability is really critical during the time until now. That’s why stable economic development is really targeted by the government for the national improvement. To highlight our evaluation for 2007 – 2012 Indonesian economic growth, let us separate the comprehensions into these points:
A.            Production Approach
In this approach, the most interesting thing is that construction business took the biggest part of the PDB proportion. This is obviously happening because we know that the government wanted infrastructure business to develop for recent 5 years. That’s why, one of the most important factor here is the government policy that can be said as a driver of economic develpoment. In Indonesia itself, we may see that because of the government project, the country can drive the economic development and pushed its GDP to rise. In this production approach, we may see how Indonesian government set up its strategy too. With cheap factors of production and open market for long term use, construction projects are essential. Even though now we are still lacking with foreign balance trade deficit, we may see that the strategy is to set up development in all sectors too in the end.
B.             Income Approach
For income approach, time by time from 2007 – 2012, government sets up stabilized interest rate, BI rate, and wages accross all provinces. Many people criticize that the standard of living in Indonesia is still lacking. Yes, it is surely true, but there are some perspective too showing that the government is eager to build private companies move on, especially in SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) with continuously growing allocation of loan policy from banks (commercial banks) too and the psychological behavior for people to start rely on other more value added financial instruments, such as stocks, rather than fixed interest rate which is lower than yearly inflation.
C.             Spending Approach
Budgeting has a significant role of Indonesia economic growth too. Many businessman are cautious for what kind of policy the government wants to make every year. That’s why many of them react according to the government budget to see how / to what direction the national economic growth wants to expand. Thus, the national budget (APBN) has critical role to affect the national economic development. Indonesian consumers do not also have really positive price index. It is quite sensitive not to buy in recession time (2008) when some convenient goods were more expensive. From the report of 4 major national spendings (C, G, I, and Xn). Indonesia has had tendency to increase the Investments and Government expenditure, while deficit in high utilization of nett export is had to build the national economy and infrastructure which still relies on international finance.
D.            Structural Concerns (Macro and Micro Aims of the Country)
·                Law of Engels: the continuous industrial development will develop the consumption on industrial goods, rather than stable consumption (or even sensitive consumption) on agricultural goods. That’s why Indonesia still prefer to industrialize and build construction for the economic development.
·                Industrial and infrastructure effectiveness and efficiency is critical to the national development, since it has two main characteristics: compulsory (in high tech and high information-bargaining era) and inducive (to diverse the industry into several competitiveness that a country has). For example, in Indonesia it has been both a challenge, obstacles, and market to build more sufficient infrastructure to utilize the big population and dispersed market location, in order to reach economic efficiency.
·                Comparative advantage of agricultural sector for Indonesia, rather than industry by the developed nations.
·                To finance businesses in Indonesia, especially for local people (even though it is not easy to control and train with less non performing loan), government even surpress the interest rate below the inflation (by maintaining the both to be stable) in order to support to local businesses to show off. Such a policy has been practiced since Gus Dur era, when Indonesia relied on its most SMEs to recover its economic condition. Thus, both fiscal and monetary policy makers have been important variables affecting the economic development.
·                Privatization of state-owned corporations is one of good example of how policy supported the national economic development (that later connected to the analysis of Indonesian capital market too).
·                Fiscal policy that should prioritize the national economy independency, started from the reformation era, until now, many attempts built by the government to have healthy financial reports and budget.
o      Expansive fiscal policy to recover international debts continuously.
o      Rationalize excessive subsidies, even more for the imbalanced subsidies, like BBM and foods have been continuously decreased.
o      Balance of fund dispersion. The very practical example is the application of the income tax increasing in 2007 – 2008, in order to continuously reach the national economic independence.
o      To reach the three purposes up there, there are three principles that should be had: (1) Information transparency as shown from the starting of the beginning of 2000’s to provoke the public understanding of rational national development; (2) Careful drafting process, as shown by top-down and bottom-up budgeting; and (3) Intensive legislative socialization in order to build good communication.
·                In micro perspectives, these issues are raised:
o      Financing, marketing, and development of SMEs in global environment.
o      Extinction of fertilizer and food reliability (that made much effort in maintaining agricultural businesses).
o      High tech agribusiness challenges (especially to preserve the comodities).
·                In financial politics and regulations, there have been several considerations about:
o      Import controls and Tariffs, represented by experts that criticized the government attempts to be said as addicted to imports that become one of factors to demote the national businesses. There has been also issues about gap dispersion about what was being regulated by governments and what was the reality of conduct by government, especially in doing the import.
o      Structural monopoly: as I have described above, I guessed that there are several parties to be quite suspicious about why Indonesia still had high dispersion of income with such a low standard of economic income. The answer is the structural monopoly. In Indonesia, we forbid the conduct of pure monopolist, but in fact the critical businesses in Indonesia are owned by mere several parties with central asset focus because of being close and directly correlated to the bureaucratic government. The solution is the practice of UU (Regulation) No. 5/1999 about fair competition with anti conglomerat of structural businesses and the ownership publication if BULOG.
o      Corporative restructurization of natural resourced-based businesses to be more transparent to the economic development.
o      Provincial demand-based economic activities.
III.                Analysis of Indonesian Capital Market
Understanding and Applications in Indonesia
Analyzing the factors afftecting performance of the Indonesian capital market requires the basic understanding of Indonesian financial markets. Here is its simple understanding:
The table is necessary for us to understand because it happened in developed and developing countries, when the interest rate sometime exceeds significantly from the inflation in the countries (that can be even 0% in developed countries). If this occurs, then the capital market will be less attractive for investors and if so, then the stock prices will fall down and investors would prefer to deposit their money rather than invest it in capital market with high risk. The long term effect from this occurance is that companies and businesses may not be run well and the national economy will absolutely go down, until there is no market power—no market power means no efficiency. Thus, categorizing the each financial markets is essential for government to set up fiscal and monetary regulations and for investors to know the financial symptoms.
Now, after understanding the brief concept of financial markets, we will go through further analysis of factors affecting Indonesian capital market:
After seeing the chart and discussing macroeconomic variables, causes, and factors that may affect the performance of the capital market, I personally think that maybe the best option for us to evaluate the chart volatility is by using two basic methods: (A) Event and (B) Behavioral Studies:
A.            Event Studies
After all effect predictions in Indonesia pasca oil recession before 2007, the reeality knocked down  extreme critics that predicted the economy fall down during the period. Unfortunately, in the year of 2007 itself, USA faced economic crisis that related to many major businesses and investments, especially in property and huge fund managers in USA even bankrupted. Facing similar recession, this time many experts believed that the condition may not affect Indonesian business operations. Actually, it may be said true in one side, but on the other side it was the capital market operations that was downsided by the crisis. Majority of Indonesian foreign investors (where foreign investors prefer longer time horizon of investment rather than domestic investors) are from the USA and this time the situation led to the recession of JCI prices, even worse several critical financial intermediarries in Indonesia invested the people’s money in the bankrupted USA fund managers. Fortunately, the situation was handled quickly and was prevented to be widened and now Indonesia is able to move on the continuous structural strategy of infrastructure development: SEA GAMES, ASIAN GAMES & PARALYMPICS, PON, lots of other nameable huge projects have been the force and motivation of Indonesia build more efficient infrastructure that in the last supports the all the national economy systems. Thus, the JCI recovered this time.
B.             Behavioral Studies & Information
The effect of the volatility of JCI can be said mostly caused by the behaviors of it investors. We must have been familiar that common investors in IDX are short trader. Thus, they rely the public information so much, such as regular financial statements, news, expansion, regulations, and so on. In the case, information is published by all around the world and the investors themselves can come from all around the world. The information itself causes the expectation of the investors since we remember that there are several types of investors in facing risks. For example, the occurance of 2008 global crisis might have affected the Indonesian capital market, but not with the GDP. Why was that? It was because of the dynamic movement of investors, without knowing that even several MNCs in Indonesia are able to stand independently from the holding companies.

IV.                Conclusion
Indonesian capital market is one of the economic indicators to reach the national economic growth that should surpass the macroeconomic factors, or else can be said where the economic development is the sufficient aim of any economic growth. Indonesia as developing nation is still struggling to overcome many political, regulatory, and practical issues both in macro and microeconomy to execute better national business operations. As our special notes today about the capital market, knowing, educating, and developing the investors’ behaviors are critical to any issues happening. In this case, accountable information takes really important position to determine the capital market performance. After all, I still believe that there is still open hope for Indonesia to reach both economic growth and educated capital market operations.

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